Data Structure 1 - Binary Search

Given an array A = [a0, a1,….an], where elements are in increasing order, that is, a1< a2 <…< an. We are going to find the index of an element ak inside the array.
Let consider the array below, where a0=1, a1=3…

index 0 1 k n
a[i] a[0] = 1 a[1] =3 a[k] = ak =10 a[n]=an= 20

let set left variable L store index of a1 and right variable R stores index of an. Then

  1. Let L=0, R=n
  2. Check if a[L]=ak or a[R]=ak. If yes, return index of ak. Otherwise, step3
  3. Find middle index M =$\frac{(L+R)}{2}$ and check if a[M]=ak. If no, continue
  4. if a[M]>ak, let R=M and search subarray between index L~ M
    we know array is in increasing order and elements between M and R must be larger than a[M] and ak. Hence we only need to search elements between L and M
  5. if a[M]<ak, let L=M search subarray between index M~ R
    The logic is similar to step 4
  6. Back to Step 3 until ak is found, Or R = L+1, that is, ak is not found.


  1. Computational Complexity: O($log_2(n)$) since it makes $log_2 n$ iterations.
  2. Space complexity of binary search is O(1)

My Thoughts

  • Its main idea is to reduce the searching space by half each time by using mid-intervel

  • Assumption

    1. It requires we know L and R
    2. It assumes the array has been sorted. If the array has not been sorted, we can use Binary-Search-Tree to sort and store data and then use in-order traversal to obtain index of each element
  • When to Apply

    1. It is good to search specific values that can be found by comparison of values
    2. However, in my opinion, It is not good enough to explore the combination of elements. For example, Finding the max sum of N numbers in an array. Then the searching space would be too large to find when using binary search.


  • Extensive Problem 1:
    Given a very very large (may be infinite) array and we don’t know how large it is. Use binary search to find the index of a given element ak.

Example: Given an array like this,

a1 a2 ak …(we don’t know the end of the array)
1 3 a[k]


  • since we don’t know the size of array, we are hardly to find the right boundary R
  • we only know the left boundary L=0
  • Idea:
    1. Jump Out to find R: We can first find the smallest integer X, such that a[$z^X$]$\geq$ ak, where z is positive integer, maybe 2, 10…
    2. Set R= $z^X$
    3. Jump in to find ak: Apply binary search on the region between $z^{X-1}$ and $z^X$.
    4. Evaluate
      Time Complexity
      • since jump out step is $z^X$, then the time required to find the region is O($log_Z$(n)).
      • Time required to search ak insdie $z^{X-1}$ and $z^X$ is O($log_2$(n))
      • Total complexity is O($log_Z$(n) + $log_2$(n))
      • Compare the value of Z to find the best performance. __Draw the picture of $log_z(X)$ !__


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