Cpp review 1
Important Keywords
Type | Meaning | Explanation |
const int x | constant variable | Value of x must be initialized first |
const int *x | constant content; mutable pointer; d |
constant content pointer x points to. address of pointer x is mutable. x can be initialized after defintion |
int * const x | constant pointer; mutable content; |
pointer x must be initialized first; |
const int* const x | Constant pointer; Constant content |
x must be initialized first |
const Class a | constant class var | content of member var of a can not be changed; can not call not-constant functions;(avoid changing member values) |
void func(const int x) | const var as input | function can not change the local variable; |
const int& funct(x) | return constant reference | pointer using this reference can not change its content |
const int funct(x) | return constant var | return a constant variable |
int func() const | constant member function | Function is unable to change member values in the class |
const MyClass c | constant Class variable | variable c can not call non-const member function and c can not change member variable values |
- Macro preprocesing keyword.
- Different from const, #define doesn’t have data type
- Compiler replaces the words only without checking the variable and its memory. E.g #define A B. Replace A with B only, compiler doesn’t check the type of A.
- In C++ program, usually use const rather than define for security.
sizeof(x) / sizeof x
- check number of bytes of variable based on data type
- sizeof class_variable = sum of bytes of all member variables in class
- in 64-bit machine, sizeof pointer = 8 bytes = 64 bits
static global var
- only visiable to current file
- data is stored in global memory, whereas local var is stored in stack and heap.
- Automatically initialized as 0
- Eg:
2static int a;
int main(){...}
static local var
- It is initialized once
- stored in global memory without releasing memory until program terminates
- can be used in local code block only.
static function
- visible to current file only
- can be defined in public, protected, private region.
static class member: used for private class info, rather than instance info
Different from common private member (which can be called and modified via this pointer), static class member DO NOT have this pointer
Only private and protected member can define static. Public member can not define static.
However, static function can be defined in public region as well.Can be called only by private/protected class function
Initialization for static member inside class requires const definition
Initialization for static member outside class requires that
- it can be initialized once.
- Initialization must be outside code block, like global variable
Example code:
13class myclass{
void func(){cout<<b;} // call private var inside member function
static int a;
static const int a =0;
static int a=0;//wrong, a must be const
static int b;
int myclass::b = 10; // way to initialize staic class member, like global var, but won't conflict global var.
int main(){...}
Tell the compiler that there is an function, whose implement of function is in other file.
inline function tell the compiler to embed the code of the function into every place where the function is called. So, inline function reduce the time used to expand the function by using more memory.
Normal function in C/C++ is expanded by compiler only when they are call. This requires longer time to run program
Inline function has higher memory complexity and lower time complexity than normal function
Not suitable for construtor function (since it will generate lots of codes )
Not suitable for virtual function
inline function is unable to use render/loop operation
- Inline function doesn’t support loop and switch
- Usually, inline function is used when function has a few codes. (usually less than 10 lines)
typedef and #define
- It is a sentence not command for compiler, so it requires “;” compared with #define
- Compiler check the grammar and type of typedef, but doesn’t check type of #define
- #define simply replaces the notation with new one, it doesn’t check the grammar or operation in definition
- Example:
3typdef struct A{...} B; //define A as type B
- Require constructor to run explictly
7c = myclass(1);
c= (myclass) 12; // convert type explictly
myclass c;
c = 1; // Not allowed, need (myclass) 1
- Require constructor to run explictly
- Declaration of “using” keyword:
It indicates the class we use is from std library.- Example: It indicates the class vector is from std
using std::vector;
- Example:
- Compile command:
It tells the compiler to use the whole namespace (every element from this namespace)- Example:
using namespace std;
- Example:
- Declaration of “using” keyword:
Variable type
- global
- local
- static
- Operator computes from right to left:
- <condition-expression> ? <return if condition=__True__> : <return if condition =__False__>
It returns value from right to left - =
- <condition-expression> ? <return if condition=__True__> : <return if condition =__False__>
- Operator Priority
- arithmetic operator: *, % , / are higher than +, -
- Relationship operator: >, < , >=,<= are higher than !=, ==
- logic operator: ! higher than &&, && higher than ||
- logic bit operator: ~ higher than &, & higher than |
a++ and ++a
- a++: return another local variable contain value of a. Then a=a+1
- ++a: a=a+1 and then return a.
- Speed: a++ > a+=1 > a=a+1.
input must be one of char,short, int
case x1: ....; break;
case x2:....; break;
default: ....; break
}Pointer and reference
Pointer Reference Pointer is a variable Reference is an essentially implicit pointer or the representation of the address of a memory piece Pointer can be empty or uninitialized; Reference requires variable to be initialized before using reference. nullptr
virtual pointer
Pointer and Array
Array Pointer: the pointer pointing to the address of an array
Array Name: array name is not a pointer, but just return the address of the array (address of the first element)
Pointer for array element:
3int arr[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int *p = arr
cout<<*p++;- *p++ : return element *p, then p++
- ++*p: (*p) element +1 and then return. Without changing the address pointer p pointing to
Array Pointer
3int arr[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
size =5;
int (*p)[size] = &arr;(*p)[size] : array pointer, pointing to array NOT element
size of (*p)[size] must be number of element in arr
p++: address skip the whole array size (5 * 4 bytes
here), not element size(*p)[0]: return arr[0]
Wild Pointer(野指针)
pointer that has not been initialized before using
Dangling Pointer(悬空指针)
pointer that point to invalid memory address (after memory released)
Macro and Preprocesssor
Difference between Class and Structure
Object-Oriented Design
Basic Features of OOD in C++
Three Traits
A mechanism of bundling the data, and the functions that use them and data abstraction is a mechanism of exposing only the interfaces and hiding the implementation details from the user
Different classes inherent from the same parent class can have different methods, class members. It diversifies features of classes. Polymorphims in C++ is achieved by using virtual keyword.
The members of the base class become members of the
derived class. It helps save our time and avoid re-writing the same codes.
Publich, Protected, private
Properties Private Protected Public Accessibility only Base Class member/method only Base Class and Child Class member/method Any instance and Class member Inheritance Properties: - Private Inheritance:
- Base Class’s private members won’t be inherited by Child Class
- Base Class’s public and protected members will be converted to be private in Child Class
- Protected Inheritance:
- Base Class’s private members won’t be inherited by Child Class
- Base Class’s protected, public members wil become protected in Child Class,
- Base Class’s members can not be accessed by Child Class of Base Class’s Child Class.
- Public Inheritance:
- Base Class’s private members won’t be inherited by Child Class
- Base Class’s protected, public members don’t change (Still protected, or public)
- Private Inheritance:
Types of overloading
overloading the amount of parameter
5Class A{
void func(int a) {}
void func(int a, int b) {}
}overloading the data types of parameter
5Class A{
void func(int a) {}
char func(char a) {}
}overloading of const and non-const methods
6Class A{
void func(int a) {}
// the const method can not change class member values
void func(int a) const {}
}overloading of Operators
4Class A{
int operator + (const int a, const int b) {}
}Operators that can not be overloaded:
- :: , pointer operator . *, condition operator ?: , sizeof, typeof
- const_cast static_cast dynamic_cast reinterpret_cast
Methods that can not be inherent
- Constructor
- Deconstructor
- Friend method
- Operators
Methods that can be inherited
- static functions
- non-static functions
- non-static members (Note: static members must be private or protected that are usually unable to be inherent)
- Virtual function (used for polymorphism)
Interface and Virtual class, method and pointer
Pure virtual function
it is applied by using virtual keyword and =0 behind the function.1
4class A{
virtual int func(int x) =0;
Abstract Class
Abstract class provide an appropriate base class from which other classes can inherit
An abstract class must contain at least one pure virtual function
Interface describes the behavior a class without a particular implementation of that class.
Interface in C++ is implemented by using Abstract class.
Virtual Function and Polymorphism
A Child of base class can overload the virtual function and give particular implement of the function to achieve polymorphismVirtual Function mechanism: using virtual pointer and virtual table
- In base class with virtual function, Compiler creates an virtual pointer vptr and a virtual table vtbl
- vptr points to the address of vtbl to write and store the addresses of all virtual functions in this base class.
- The pointer vptr is stored at the beginning of the memory of the base class. (the first element of the Class is vptr )
Example:For class A and Class B, each of them have virtual pointer __vptr__ pointing to a virtual table, which stores addresses of virtual functions. In addition, the virtual pointer of each class is stored at the beginning of the class.
4. In __single inheritance__ (a class is allowed to inherit only one class), child class will inherit the vptr from base class, but __create a new vtbl table to store addresses of new virtual functions and inherited/overrided virtual functions__
5. In __multiple inheritance__:
+ child class inherits multiple vptr, then creates multiple vtbls, in which each vtbl corresponds to each base class (Hence __the number of vtbl = number of base class inherited__).
+ __All addresses of new virtual functions will be stored at the end of the first vtbls__
Template and Generic Function
- A generic function defines a general set of operations that will be applied to various types of data.
Memory allocation and Types of memory
new and malloc
new malloc A keyword a function it calls the operator operator new()
-> malloc()
-> then call constructor in classdirectly allocate memory without using constructor return class pointer return void pointer can be overloading can not be overloading No need to tell size of memory Need to tell size of memory
delete and free
delete free A keyword a function it calls the operator operator delete()
-> free()
-> then call deconstructor in classdirectly free memory without using constructor return class pointer return void pointer can be overloading can not be overloading No need to check if memory exists Need to check memory first create and delete Class array
6int size=10;
ClassA* a = new ClassA[size]
delete[] a;
// input is an array of int class
int ClassA::func(int[] a){....}malloc, calloc, realloc and alloca
malloc: allocate memory without initialization
calloc: allocate memory and initialize them to zero
realloc: extend the memory with bigger size than before.
alloca: allocate tempory memory on stack on local scope. Memory will be released outside the scope. Hence no need to use free()
link and compile in C++
- Dynamic Link
- Static Link
Regular Expression (re)
STL container
[1] https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/cpp_overloadinging.htm
[2] https://blog.csdn.net/csdn_chai/article/details/78041050